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ESIC pursues social innovation through education

About Us

We believe social economy and social innovation are essential in the digital and green transitions we are currently living. Social economy and social innovations can also contribute to making societies more inclusive, creative and sustainable while also addressing environmental challenges.

The ESIC Alliance will work together to develop strategic approaches to facilitate the co-creation, scaling-up and replication of social innovations. With easy-accessible education for all levels, ESIC strives to add knowledge and skills of social innovation to the European workforce.

Social innovation has a huge potential

The project will last until 2027, and its three main goals are:

1. Empowerment through education

We aim to support the talents and competencies of 5% of the European workers and entrepreneurs in the social economy sector each year.

2. Closing the skills divide

We are tackling the challenge of skills mismatches by crafting new learning programs. Our hands-on learning modules are tailored for various profiles, such as entrepreneurs, managers, innovators, and more.

3. Create lasting connections

We will build together a European network to promote social entrepreneurship and the social economy as a great choice for everyone wanting to make a difference. Together we encourage, especially young people, to develop new ideas and start their own initiatives all over Europe.